article updates

My most recent article for my newspaper back home apparently made it to the front page, with a big heading that reads “Japan ‘tugs’ at local teacher.”  Check it out here.

I’ve been in Japan for almost two months now, and you may be wondering why I haven’t posted anything about my actual teaching job yet.  Well, I’ve added another page to help fill in the gaps.  In addition to this blog, the writing I’m doing about this year is also going to two other spots.  I’m sending articles back to my home town of Hampton, NH once or twice a month, and I also have another column about teaching abroad on the Abroad View website.  You can get to the column from the links page, and I will republish the newspaper articles in the Article section of this blog.  The first article made it into the paper last week, and for those of you not living in Hampton, you can read it here.

The articles and column posts will be more concerned with my experience teaching, and the stories posted on this blog will  be about all the other aspects of my life here in Japan.

I hope to get another story up along with some more pictures soon.